One group in Norway concluded after intense research that students who participated vigorously in a music program found themselves to have a growing self-perception and their sense of competence increased dramatically. They achieved a more positive self-image.

Self-image and self-awareness creates a positive attitude and is felt to be a motivating factor in terms of academic learning.

Not only that but, on a social level, students who incorporated music into their studies tended to support one another, to maintain a commitment and bonded better. The ability to play piano and music in general research showed these students had a greater sense of cooperation with authority figures and their peers also were interested and indeed did show the ability to set goals.

John Sebastian Bach (1685-1750) is quoted as saying “It is the special province of music to move the heart.” Very nicely put and perhaps it could be additionally said that the province of music not only moves the heart (emotions) but, as indicated above, has the ability to change the brain of any musical person in many and various ways.


A reading program in New York was recently researched and found that it dramatically improved once a music program was introduced. It was found that students that got involved in music had higher reading achievement scores than those not into the music program. Another revelation of the study not only did music increase reading skills but also several other skills were improved. For instance, listening skills, memory skills, concentration skills and others were all enhanced it is strongly felt, by the student participation in music.


We are continually made aware of the fact that the very first thing to be removed from a school curriculum program when the faculty is trying to cut corners as per poor budget planning is the music program. The truth of the matter is that students who are musical and are being trained in music such as the piano are also able to achieve more academically by being musical.

There are numerous studies that prove this and in fact many universities etc. make it a point to recruit young people who play some musical instrument, piano in particular. Why? You might ask and the answer lies in the research which consistently reveals that musical students have a higher grade-point average than non-musical students.

Research has also revealed the interesting fact that students that are involved in high school music programs, for instance, develop the skills necessary for a variety of secular occupations that tend to make them better prepared for life after school. One Doctor wrote: “Successful music students tend to possess the qualities and skills that are generally considered essential to employers in business education and service organizations.”